2024 The Ishibashi Foundation / The Japan Foundation Curatorial Exchange Program

The Japan Foundation invites curators and professionals of contemporary arts with the aim of deepening understanding of Japanese contemporary arts overseas and facilitating the formation of networks among institutions and people involved in contemporary arts in the participating countries.

In 2024, 15 participants from five countries, including Canada, were selected and engaged in various experiences over 11 days.


In 2024, The Japan Foundation invited 15 curators and professionals in the contemporary arts from the Americas (Canada and Brazil) and Europe (Germany, Italy, and Switzerland), with the aim of deepening their knowledge of Japanese contemporary art and building a professional network.

The Americas group was formed with four participants from Canada and four from Brazil. During their time in Japan, from November 1st to 11th, they deepened their knowledge of Japanese contemporary art and museum systems, visited numerous museums and art festivals, and engaged in meaningful exchanges with Japanese professionals.

We hope that the insights gained and the global networks established through this project will inspire new initiatives and foster continued collaboration among all participants.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Ishibashi Foundation for its generous support. We would like to give a heartfelt thanks to all the people and groups who made this project possible, including the museums, galleries, and organizations in Japan, Canada, and Brazil. Thank you.

January, 2025

Tomoaki Shimane
Managing Director
Arts and Culture Department



  • John G. Hampton | MacKenzie Art Gallery | Executive Director, CEO
  • Josée Drouin-Brisebois | National Gallery of Canada | Producer, Senior Manager of National Engagement
  • Shaun Dacey | Richmond Art Gallery | Director
  • Su Ying Strang | Southern Alberta Art Gallery (Maansiksikaitsitapiitsinikssin) | Executive Director


  • Heloisa Espada | Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo | Professor, Curator
  • Thiago de Paula Souza | Independent Curator
  • Ramon Martins | PIVÔ Salvador | Curator, Researcher and Project Coordinator
  • Victor De Wolf Rodrigues Martins | Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói | General Director

This program is implemented by the Japan Foundation with generous funding from the Ishibashi Foundation.