Japanese Language Education

Japanese-language education support overseas is one of the central activities of the Japan Foundation. It plays a key role in promoting Japanese-language education in Canada through its various activities.

Japanese Language Classeshiragana

For people who want to learn more about the Japanese language and culture.

Events for Learners

For Japanese language learners at different levels.

Teachers’ Professional Development

Workshops, network development, etc. for Japanese-language teachers in Canada.

Training Programs in Japan

Programs administered by the Japan Foundation Head Office in Japan for Japanese-language teachers as well as specialists in Japan-related cultural and academic fields.

Local Grant Program

Available to Canadian educational institutions to support the dissemination of Japanese-language and the development of Japanese-language education.

Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

Held annually in Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver.

Japanese-Language Resources

Useful links for teachers and learners of Japanese as well as information about Japanese-language education overseas.


Noriko Saito, Program Officer noriko_saito@jpf.go.jp
Rita Wong, Program Officer at rita_wong@jpf.go.jp

Message from People Studying Japanese of the World ― It’s fun to study Japanese!

The Japan Foundation has put together a selection of messages from people studying Japanese, including Canada’s own KEVIN REYNOLDS!

To read his and other interviews, please check out the links here! Messages in [ENGLISH] and in [JAPANESE]

Latest News

JFT Student Wins Prize in Ontario Japanese Speech Contest

Congratulations, Clélia! Continue reading →

Notice Concerning the Establishment of the “Japanese-Language Education Institution Accreditation Act” and Relevant Resources

In June 2023, the “Act on Accreditation of Japanese-Language Institutions to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education” was promulgated. Continue reading →

Link Changed for Some Japan Foundation Language Resources

Link has changed for Marugoto Site, Minna no Kyozai Site, Minna no Can-do Site, and JF Standard Continue reading →