Notice Concerning the Establishment of the “Japanese-Language Education Institution Accreditation Act” and Relevant Resources

 In June 2023, the “Act on Accreditation of Japanese-Language Institutions to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education” (Japanese-Language Education Institution Accreditation Act) was promulgated. 
 This law will establish (1) a system for accrediting Japanese language education institutions in Japan that meet certain requirements (the Japanese Language Education Institution Accreditation System) and (2) a system for developing qualifications for Japanese language instructors at the accredited Japanese language education institutions (hereafter, “accredited institutions”) (the Japanese Language Teacher Registration System).
 After the enforcement of the law (April 1, 2024), the Ministry of Justice ordinance will be revised to make it a requirement to be an accredited Japanese language education institution to be granted the status of residence “College Student” to study in Japan. To enable those who wish to study in Japan to directly obtain information on appropriate Japanese language institutions, information on accredited Japanese language institutions will be provided in multiple languages via the Internet and other means.
 The Japan Foundation developed the “JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education” with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR) and released it in 2010. The Japan Foundation has also developed compliant teaching materials such as “Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture” and “Irodori: Japanese for Life in Japan” (see Japan Foundation Links below), which are widely used as teaching materials offering teaching, learning, and evaluation methods for overseas learners of Japanese. In October 2021, the Agency for Cultural Affairs also released a new “Reference Framework for Japanese Language Education” based on the CEFR, and since then, CEFR-based learning has been spreading in Japanese language education in Japan, and is expected to become mainstream in the future.
Agency for Cultural Affairs Links

1.About the Act on Accreditation of Japanese-Language Institutions to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education

(Japanese Only)

2.Act on Accreditation of Japanese-Language Institutions to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education (Outline) 

(Japanese Only)

3.Outline of the Act on the Accrediting of Japanese-Language Institutes to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education

4.Japanese-Language Education Institution Accreditation Act – Draft Schedule (As of Late-August 2023)

(Japanese Only)

5.About the Promotion of Cooperation with Relevant Ministries and Agencies in the new Japanese language education measures for further enhancement of Japanese language education (Council for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education, December 2022)

(Japanese Only)

Japan Foundation Links

The Japan Foundation Website – Japanese Language Learning Materials

JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education and compliant teaching materials

(Description in Japanese Only)日本語教育スタンダード及び主な準拠教材.pdf






 国際交流基金では、ヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠(CEFR)を参考として「JF日本語教育スタンダード」を開発、平成22(2010)年に公開し、『まるごと 日本のことばと文化』や『いろどり 生活の日本語』等の準拠教材も開発しており(以下、<国際交流基金ウェブサイト>参照)、海外の日本語学習者に対する教え方、学び方、評価の仕方を提案する教材として広く活用されています。令和3(2021)年10月、文化庁においても同様に、CEFRを参考とした「日本語教育の参照枠」が新たに公開されて以降、日本国内の日本語教育においてもCEFRに準拠した学習が広まりつつあり、今後、主流になることが期待されています。




3.Outline of the Act on the Accrediting of Japanese-Language Institutes to Ensure Appropriate and Reliable Implementation of Japanese-Language Education

4.日本語教育機関認定法 今後のスケジュール案(令和5年8月下旬時点)

5.日本語教育の更なる充実のための新たな日本語教育法案における関係省庁との連携促進について(日本語教育推進会議、令和4年12 月)


国際交流基金ウェブサイト 日本語学習教材
