Teacher Workshop: “Grasping Marugoto”

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October 4th, 2014 @ 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm EDT
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In 2014, The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT) will hold four workshops which aim to provide a place for teachers to learn together about teaching Japanese language. The second workshop in this series will be a workshop on the Marugoto textbook based on the Japan Foundation Standard for Japanese Language Education (JF Standard). Please join us!
Theme:Grasping Marugoto
What kind of teaching material is Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture, the Japanese textbook based on the JF Standard? In this workshop using teaching materials analysis methods we will aim to grasp the special features of Marugoto. As well as introducing the use of Marugoto in the JFT’s Japanese language classes, we will experience a class from the learner’s perspective to think on how we can effectively use the features of Marugoto when planning a class.
Date and Time:Saturday, October 4th 2014 14:30~17:30 Doors open at 14:00
Location:The Japan Foundation, Toronto Event Hall
131 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor of the Colonnade, Toronto, Ontario
Registration Fee:Free
Instructor:Kaori Tanaka ktanaka@jftor.org
Instructor’s Introduction:
Kaori Tanaka has been the Japanese Language Planning Officer at The Japan Foundation, Toronto since September 2013 and has extensive experience teaching Japanese full-time in Taiwan at Tainan YMCA, Taichung YMCA, and Dao Jiang Senior High School (Taipei) and working as a Japanese Language Specialist in Krakow, Poland at Jagiellonian University. She has also taught part-time at Gunma University, and conducted Japanese Teacher Training Programs and Teaching Seminars for volunteer teachers.
For inquiries about this workshop:Kaori Tanaka ktanaka@jftor.org or 416-966-1600 ext. 244
Additional Information:
The 16th session of the teacher’s information exchange event series “Continuing Learning Japanese” will be held on October 25 (Saturday) and the topic this time will be teaching material analysis. As this session centers on themes relating to what is being covered in the JFT workshop, participation in both the Continuing Learning Japanese and the JFT workshop maybe benefitial to those interested in the area of teaching material analysis. Information on Continuing Learning Japanese is available at https://tr.jpf.go.jp/event/keizoku16
日時:2014年10月4日(土) 午後2時30分 ~ 午後5時30分 開場:午後2時00分
会場:The Japan Foundation, Toronto Event Hall
131 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor of the Colonnade, Toronto, Ontario
講師: 田中香織 ktanaka@jftor.org
2013年9月より、ジャパン ファウンデーション トロントにてプランニング・オフィサーとして勤務。台南・台中YMCA同盟日本語講師、稲江高校(在台北)専任講師、群馬大学国際教育・研究センター非常勤講師、ポーランド国立ヤギェロン大学日本学科講師(ジャパンファウンデーション派遣日本語専門家)等、様々な現場での日本語教育経験の他、日本語教師養成講座講師、ボランティア教師研修会講師等、教師研修の経験も豊富。
本研修に関するお問い合わせ先:田中香織 ktanaka@jftor.org 416‐966‐1600 ext. 244