BC Japanese Language Teachers’ Workshop

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February 14th, 2015 @ 9:30 am - 3:00 pm EST
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BC Japanese Language Teachers’ Workshop
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
The Japan Foundation, Toronto holds a number of teacher’s workshops designed to strengthen the network of Japanese language teachers.
This time, we are holding a workshop where teachers will be able to learn about each other’s Japanese language programmes at the high school and university levels. Akemi Takisawa (Killarney Secondary School) and Margaret Ritchie (Sentinel Secondary & West Vancouver Secondary) from BC’s Japanese Language Teacher’s Association (Nihongo BC), and Professor Rebecca Chau (University of British Columbia) will introduce what kinds of Japanese language education takes place in their institutions We hope that through this information teachers will be able to learn more about where their students come from and where they can go afterwards, further helping students to continue learning Japanese.
We will also have a presentation from the Japan Foundation, Toronto on Japanese language education at the secondary level while looking at examples from other countries.
Not only teachers but also those interested in Japanese language education are welcome. Please join us!
Date: Saturday February 14, 2015 9:30AM-3:00PM (Doors open at 9:00AM)
Place:University of British Columbia C.K. Choi Building Rm 120 , 1855 West Mall, Vancouver, BC
*Please take note that the location has changed
Cost: Free (You are responsible for arranging your own travel)
For those interested please register below. (The registration deadline has been extended)
Please scroll to the bottom for registration
9:30~10:00 | Registration |
10:00~10:30 | Purpose of this workshop and introduction to Toronto’s “Continuing Learning Japanese”: Noriko Saito (The Japan Foundation, Toronto) |
10:30~11:30 | Japanese Language Education at High School: Akemi Takisawa (Killarney Secondary School)、Margaret Ritchie (Sentinel Secondary & West Vancouver Secondary) |
11:30~13:00 | Mixer Light refreshments will be provided |
13:00~14:00 | Japanese Language Education at University: Prof. Rebecca Chau (University of British Columbia) |
14:00~15:00 | Secondary School Japanese Language Education – While looking at other countries – Kaori Tanaka (The Japan Foundation, Toronto) |
For Inquiries:Noriko Saito (The Japan Foundation, Toronto) E-mail: nsaito@jftor.org
今回は、BC州の高校や大学で実際に行われているプログラムなどについてお互いに学びあうことを目的とした研修会です。BC州日本語教師会Nihongo BCの滝澤明美先生(Killarney Secondary School)、Margaret Ritchie先生(Sentinel Secondary & West Vancouver Secondary)、からはBC州の高校で、またRebecca Chau先生(University of British Columbia)からは大学で、実際にどのような日本語教育が行われているのかをご紹介いただきます。このような情報交換を通じ、自分の目の前にいる学習者がどのような環境で何を学んできたのかを知ること、そして今後彼らが日本語学習を継続するにあたりどのような選択肢があるのかを知ることにつながることを期待しております。
日時:2015年2月14日(土) 午前9時30分~午後3時00分(開場:午前9時)
会場: University of British Columbia C.K. Choi Building Rm 120 , 1855 West Mall, Vancouver, BC
9:30~10:00 | 受付 |
10:00~10:30 | 本会合の趣旨、及び、トロントでの「日本語学習を継続させる」勉強会の紹介:齋藤典子(The Japan Foundation, Toronto) |
10:30~11:30 | 高校からの発表:高校での日本語教育 滝澤明美先生(Killarney Secondary School)、Margaret Ritchie先生(Sentinel Secondary & West Vancouver Secondary) |
11:00~13:00 | 懇親会 軽食と飲み物を用意します。 |
13:00~14:00 | 大学からの発表:大学での日本語教育 Rebecca Chau先生(University of British Columbia) |
14:00~15:00 | 中等教育での日本語教育-他国の実践を見ながらー:田中香織(The Japan Foundation, Toronto) |
お問い合わせ:ジャパン・ファウンデーション・トロント 齋藤典子 E-mail: nsaito@jftor.org