Continuing Learning Japanese 21: Toronto Japanese Language School Class Observation

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June 4th, 2016 @ 10:25 am - 11:50 am EDT
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訪問学校と所在地:トロント日本語学校 (Orde Street Public School, 18 Orde Street, Toronto)
集合時間:午前10時25分 (Tentative)
- 授業見学:午前10時45分-11時50分 (各クラス定員5名、希望の一クラスのみの見学)
- 見学クラス1:児童クラス 2年生-7年生混合クラス
- 見学クラス2:成人クラス レベル2 (教科書:げんき1の後半)
- 見学クラス3:成人クラス レベル5&6 (「文化学習」:日本人ボランティアTAによるプレゼンテーションおよび学生とのディスカッション)
- 授業見学後:先生方とのディスカッション/昼食(個人負担)
国際交流基金トロント日本文化センター 齋藤典子
E-mail: Web site:
CAJLE 小室リー郁子
E-mail: Web site:
Continuing Learning Japanese 21
Information Exchange Meeting for Japanese Language Teachers: Observation of Japanese Language Classes
Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE)
The Japan Foundation, Toronto
Japanese is taught at several secondary schools in Toronto and its surrounding areas. Yet, it appears that teachers do not know much about the other institutions, courses or programmes. This lack of understanding can sometimes be found even within the same institution. We believe that it is very important and necessary for teachers to know what their current students have previously studied and in what type of environment that education took place. Similarly, it is important to be informed of the available learning opportunities for students who wish to continue studying Japanese. We believe it is essential for teachers to build a strong and active network that enables them to communicate with one another. Since December 2009, the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE) and the Japan Foundation, Toronto have been co-organizing events to build a good foundation for the articulation of Japanese language education.
In the 21st event of the series, we will visit Toronto Japanese Language School, and observe one of three individual Japanese classes.
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016
Place: Toronto Japanese Language School (Orde Street Public School, 18 Orde Street, Toronto)
Time: 10:25 AM (Tentative)
★Participants will be notified of the meeting place and time via email.
Schedule (Tentative):
- Japanese class observation: 10:45 AM – 11:50 AM (5 spots in each class, participants observe 1 class)
- Class 1: Children’s class Grade 2 – Grade 7 mix class
- Class 2: Adult class Level 2 (textbook: Genki 1 latter part)
- Class 3: Adult class Level 5 & 6 (Cultural Study class: presentation by a volunteer teacher and discussion with students)
- After the class observation: A discussion with teachers and Q&A/Lunch (participants pay out-of-pocket)
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 or when all 5 spots are filled.
Registration: mandatory
* Due to the nature of the event, the number of participants is limited. We will close registration when the spots are filled.
* We cannot guarantee that participants will be able to observe their preferred/requested class. In that instance, we will contact you in advance.
* Feel free to contact the following individuals if you have any questions:
Noriko Saito (The Japan Foundation, Toronto)
E-mail: Web site:
Ikuko Komuro-Lee (CAJLE)
E-mail: Web site: