Let’s get together! Japanese-Language Teachers in Canada (4)

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July 20th, 2021 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm EDT
Cost: FreeDetails » Click here to register »
6:00 pm ~ 7:30 pm(山岳部夏時間) 8:00 pm ~ 9:30 pm(東部夏時間)
対象者:日本語教師(定員100名 うち60名はカナダ在住者優先)
ファシリテーター:吉川 景子(国際交流基金派遣日本語上級専門家、アルバータ州教育省日本語教育アドバイザー)
お問い合わせ先:齋藤典子 nsaito@jftor.org
JFT Online Information Exchange Meeting for Japanese Language teachers
Let’s get together! Japanese-Language Teachers in Canada 4
As more and more programs are being conducted online there are increasing opportunities for those involved in Japanese-language education to gather and share information. There is great variety in the levels and areas being covered within Japanese-language education, however, and this meeting aims to target specific groups and themes to allow for deeper discussion of relevant topics, and serve as an opportunity for the subsequent networking among participants.
Although many institutions are planning to return to in-person lessons in the new school year starting in September, there is a possibility of hybrid classes that include online lessons. In the fourth session, participants will exchange opinions on various types of hybrid classes so that they can prepare themselves for the coming school year and ease any fears.
Please RSVP using the form below.
The theme of the fourth meeting: What will happen in September? Let’s talk about hybrid lessons
*As we would like to share a variety opinions on hybrid lessons, we welcome teachers outside Canada who have already experienced hybrid lessons to join in the discussion.
Dates and Time: Tuesday, July 20, 2021
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm (MDT) 8:00pm – 9:30pm (EDT)
Please click here to check the time in your area.
Meeting schedule:
1.Sharing answers from the registration questionnaire
2.Discussion (1) What happens in a high-flex class (where some learners participate online during in-person classes)?
3.Sharing about the first discussion
4.Discussion (2) Breaking into groups based on the class type you want to discuss
5.Sharing about the second discussion
Participation requirements: Japanese teachers (maximum 100 participants; Canadian participants have priority for the first 60 spots.)
Language: Japanese (English can be used on discussions)
Facilitator: Keiko Yoshikawa, Japanese-Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation)
For inquiries: Noriko Saito nsaito@jftor.org