Teacher Workshop: Learning through Social Media plus an Introduction to “PD on Demand”

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May 5th, 2019 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT
Cost: FreeDetails » Click here to register »
後半は「PDオンデマンド」のご紹介です。「PDオンデマンド」は自宅にいながら日本語教師としてスキルアップするためのオンラインの教師研修です。エドモントン在住の村上専門家がZoomでご案内をいたします。内容は現在20ほどのトピックが準備してあり、今後も増える予定です。ただし今回はそのご紹介も兼ねて、その場で手軽にできるトピックの中から皆様に投票していただき、その投票結果をもとにセミナー会場で研修を行います。 Chromeの入ったパソコン(Mac, Chromebook, Windowsなど)をお持ちください。
日時:2019年5月5日(日) 午後1:30 ~ 午後3:30(開場:午後1:00)
会場:The Japan Foundation, Toronto Seminar Room
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
講師:村上 吉文(国際交流基金派遣日本語上級専門家、アルバータ州教育省日本語教育アドバイザー)
2017年5月より国際交流基金日本語上級専門家としてアルバータ教育省に派遣。国際基督教大学卒業。主な著作に『冒険家メソッド』(ココ出版2018)、『しごとの日本語 IT業務編』(アルク 2008)のほか、ウェブマガジン「日本語教育いどばた」に「ソーシャルメディアをめぐる冒険」を連載中。「むらログ」管理人。
お問い合わせ先:齋藤典子 nsaito@jftor.org 416‐966‐1600 ext. 224
村上吉文 yoshifumi.murakami@gov.ab.ca
The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT)
Workshop for Japanese Language Teachers
The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT) will hold a workshop which aims to provide a place for teachers to learn together about teaching the Japanese language. As detailed below, this workshop will be a session on Japanese-Language Education and Social Media hosted by Yoshifumi Murakami, Japanese-language Education Advisor for Alberta Education, dispatched by the Japan Foundation. Those working in the field of Japanese language education as well as those with an interest in Japanese language education are welcome to attend. For registration, please see below.
Theme: Learning through Social Media plus an Introduction to “PD on Demand”
The first part of this workshop will introduce the basic knowledge to participate in online workshops as well as other online tools for self-training. The latter part will introduce “PD on Demand” workshops Mr. Murakami offers via Zoom. There are already over 20 prepared topics to choose from, with more being added. On the day, the participants will choose topics and experience PD on Demand in-person. For those who feel somewhat hesitant or anxious when participating in online activities, this workshop will give you an opportunity to familiarize yourself with various online tools. Please bring your own computer, tablet, or other device.
Date and Time: Sunday, May 5th, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm (Doors open at 1:00 pm)
Location: The Japan Foundation, Toronto Seminar Room
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
Registration Fee: Free
Instructor: Yoshifumi Murakami, Japanese-Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation)
Instructor’s Introduction:
Yoshifumi Murakami has been working as the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Specialist dispatched to Alberta Education since May 2017. He graduated from International Christian University, and has written books such as “Bokenka method (Adventurers’ Method)” (Coco Publishing 2018), “Japanese for Business for the Information Technology Industry” (ALC Press Inc. 2008), as well as contributed to the online magazine “Nihongo Kyoiku Idobata (Content-free chat on Japanese language education)” with his “Social Media o meguru boken (Adventures in Social Media)” series., and he continues to update his blog targeting Japanese-language teachers, “Mura-log.”
For inquiries: Noriko Saito nsaito@jftor.org or 416-966-1600 ext. 224
Yoshifumi Murakami yoshifumi.murakami@gov.ab.ca