Teacher Workshop at UBC: “Project Work in Upper-Beginner Classes”

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October 25th, 2015 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am EDT

Cost: Free
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この度、ジャパン ファウンデーション トロントは、ブリティッシュ コロンビア大学との共催で、初級後半の学習者を対象としたクラスにおけるプロジェクト活動とその評価の観点に関する日本語教師研修を実施する運びとなりました。



講師: 齊藤真美(国際交流基金派遣日本語上級専門家、アルバータ州教育省日本語教育アドバイザー)

本研修に関するお問い合わせ先:齋藤典子  nsaito@jftor.org  416‐966‐1600 ext. 224

また、当日の午後には同会場にてVoice of Kakehashi委員会によるシンポジウム(Voices of Kakehashi in Multicultural Canada: Transcultural and Intercultural Experiences)が開催されます。詳しくはこちら(http://www.cajle.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/KakehashiPoster.pdf)をご覧ください。


The Japan Foundation, Toronto and the University of British Columbia are co-hosting a workshop for Japanese language teachers on the topic of on how to carry out and evaluate project work in an upper-beginner language class.

Theme: Project Work in Upper-Beginner Classes

When do you actually use the Japanese that you learn in the classroom? It’s often said when studying Japanese overseas, even after beginners have acquired enough sentence patterns, vocabulary, etc. it’s difficult to find places to actually use the language. In the age of internet technology, it is possible for students to use things like Skype and Social Networking Services (SNS) to try and “access” Japanese on their own. However, from the viewpoint of the whole class, how many of the students are actually “accessing Japanese” in that way? In this workshop, we will consider opportunities to use Japanese within classroom activities, focusing on project work in particular. In project work, students can use Japanese as one “tool,” both in and out of the classroom, and working with other learners can bring their own ideas and opinions together. During the workshop, participants are invited to share their own specific experiences with project work. We will also consider together the significance of project work and how to evaluate it, etc.

Instructor:  Mami Saito, Japanese-Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation)

For inquiries about this workshop: Noriko Saito nsaito@jftor.org or 416-966-1600 ext. 224

That afternoon in the same location there will also be a symposium organized by the Voices of Kakehasi Committee (Voices of Kakehashi in Multicultural Canada: Transcultural and Intercultural Experiences). For details, please visit: http://www.cajle.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/KakehashiPoster.pdf


October 25th, 2015 @ 9:30 am
October 25th, 2015 @ 11:30 am
Event Category:
Doors Open:
Mami Saito


The Japan Foundation and the University of British Columbia


Asian Centre, University of British Columbia
1871 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 Canada
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