NAC, Gendai, The Japan Foundation, Toronto and
the Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto present
Nihongo Art Contest 2013
April 26 – May 8, 2013
at The Japan Foundation, Toronto
Nihongo Art is a unique way to express inventive ideas about words using Kanji (Japanese ideograph characters) or Hiragana (Japanese alphabet) in illustrations.
The exhibition and award presentation of the Nihongo Art created by Japanese language learners
from kindergarten to high school students will be held at the Japan Foundation, Toronto.
Nihongo Art Contest Committee Site: http://www.geocities.jp/ontarionac/
Awards Presentation & Art Workshop
April 28, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
April 26 – May 8, 2013
Gallery hours: Mon & Thu, 11:30 am – 7:00 pm
Tue & Wed & Fri, 11:30 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday, May 4, noon – 5:00 pm
@ The Japan Foundation, Toronto
131 Bloor Street West, Suite 213, Toronto
Co-Organizers: NAC, Gendai, The Japan Foundation, Toronto, Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, e-nikka, bits, Halton Japanese Learning Class Himawari, Kingston Nihongo Kyoshitsu, Sakura Japanese Language School, St.Louis Adult Learning Centre, Toronto Japanese Language School, Nisshu Gakuin, Hillfield Strathallan College, Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitsu, Nikka Gakuen
Participating Schools:
Forest City Japanese Language School
Georges Vanier Night School
Halton Japanese Learning Class Himawari
Hillfield Strathallan College
Kingston Nihongo Kyoshitsu
Nikka Gakuen
Nisshu Gakuin
Sakura Japanese Language School
St.Louis Adult Learning Centre
Thornlea S.S. (Saturday Japanese program)
Toronto Japanese Language School
Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitsu