Dr. Vincent Lam

Japan-Canada Literary Exchange




Dr. Vincent Lam is from the expatriate Chinese community of Vietnam, and was born in Canada. Dr. Lam worked for thirteen years as an emergency physician in Toronto. He now works in addictions medicine. He has also worked in international air evacuation and expedition medicine on Arctic and Antarctic ships.

Dr. Lam’s first book, Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures, won the 2006 Scotiabank Giller Prize, and was adapted for television and broadcast on HBO Canada. Dr. Lam co-authored The Flu Pandemic And You, a non-fiction guide to influenza pandemics, which was recognized in 2007 with a Special Recognition Award by the American Medical Writers’ Association. Dr. Lam’s biography of Tommy Douglas was published by Penguin Canada as part of Extraordinary Canadians series.

The Headmaster’s Wager, Dr. Lam’s first novel, about a Chinese compulsive gambler and headmaster of an English school in Saigon during the Vietnam War, was a finalist for the 2012 Governor General’s Prize.



『ER 研修医たちの現場から』でデビューを果たし、カナダで最も権威のある文学賞、ギラー賞を2006年に受賞。映像化されテレビで放映された。

インフルエンザ・パンデミック対策について書いた共著『The Flu Pandemic and You(英題)』で2007年アメリカ医学作家協会より特別功労賞を授与され、トミー・ダグラスの伝記はExtraordinary Canadiansシリーズ(ペンギンランダムハウス)のひとつとして出版された。さらに、初めての小説となる『The Headmaster’s Wager(英題)』は、ベトナム戦争時代のサイゴンで出会う中国人ギャンブラーと英語学校長を描いた話で、2012年カナダ総督賞の最終候補作に選ばれた。


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