HIRANO Keiichiro

Japan-Canada Literary Exchange



HIRANO Keiichiro

KEIICHIRO HIRANO debuted in 1998 with his first novel The Eclipse, for which he won the prestigious Akutagawa Prize at the record age of 23, and has won many literary awards since his debut.

His style varies with every work, incorporating profound and universal themes like self-love, relationships and acceptance. His works, spanning from short stories and historical novels to essays, love stories and literary science fiction, have been translated and widely read in France, China, Korea, Taiwan, Italy and Egypt. In 2004, he lived in Paris, appointed as a cultural envoy by Japan’s Ministry of Cultural Affairs. He is also known for his deep knowledge in arts and music, and a recipient of The Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

A Man, released in 2020 in North America, is his first novel translated into English. His second title in English At the End of the Matinee will be released in April 2021, which was a runaway bestseller in Japan and released as a movie in November, 2019.

平野 啓一郎




美術、音楽にも造詣が深く、日本経済新聞の「アートレビュー」欄を担当(2009年~2016年)するなど、幅広いジャンルで批評を執筆。2014年には、国立西洋美術館のゲスト・キュレーターとして「非日常からの呼び声 平野啓一郎が選ぶ西洋美術の名品」展を開催した。同年、フランス芸術文化勲章シュヴァリエを受章。


著書に、小説『葬送』、『滴り落ちる時計たちの波紋』、『決壊』、『ドーン』、『空白を満たしなさい』、『透明な迷宮』、『マチネの終わりに』、『ある男』等、エッセイ・対談集に『私とは何か 「個人」から「分人」へ』、『「生命力」の行方~変わりゆく世界と分人主義』、『考える葦』、『「カッコいい」とは何か』等がある。




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