Katherine Govier

Japan-Canada Literary Exchange




Katherine’s most recent novel is The Three Sisters Bar & Hotel. Her previous novel, The Ghost Brush, about the daughter of the Japanese printmaker Hokusai, was published in Japan and worldwide. An earlier novel, Creation, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. She has won the Toronto Book Award and Canada’s Findley-Engel Award for a mid-career writer (1997). In 2018 she was honoured for Excellence in the Arts by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. In 2019 she was made a Member of the Order of Canada.

Katherine has been President of PEN Canada and Chair of The Writers’ Trust. She co-founded the national schools writing program Writers in Electronic Residence and more recently founded, directed and is Board Chair of The Shoe Project, a writing and public speaking workshops for immigrant and refugee women.

Katherine was born in Edmonton, Alberta and attended The University of Alberta and York University. She has two adult children, Robin and Emily, and two grandchildren. She lives in Toronto and in Canmore Alberta. Her upcoming novel again features Katsushika Oei, woman artist of the floating world, who rises from her unknown grave to discover what happened to her art during the Meiji era.


カナダ・ペンクラブ会長やThe Writers Trust議長を務めた経験のあるカナダ人作家。クリエイティブ・ライティングをオンラインで教えるプログラム・国立学校Writers in Electronic Residenceの創立者のひとりであり、さらには移民・難民女性の執筆・演説をサポートするThe Shoe Projectの創設・監督兼委員長も務める。

代表作に、浮世絵師北斎の娘の半生を描いた『北斎と応為』。これは北米、日本をはじめ海外で出版された。その他、ニューヨークタイムズで注目すべき本の1冊に選ばれた『Creation(英題)』、最新の小説『The Three Sisters Bar & Hotel(英題)』などがある。

Toronto Book Award (1992) やCanada’s Findley-Engel Award for a mid-career writer (1997) 受賞。2018年にはカナダ自由人権協会よりExcellence in the Arts受賞、2019年にはカナダ勲章を受章。



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