Namiko Kunimoto

Associate Professor, Department of History of Art; Director of the Center for Ethnic Studies, The Ohio State University


Professor Kunimoto went to Tokyo in 2008 on a Japan Foundation Graduate fellowship, and in 2016, returned to Japan for a Professor fellowship. Her fellowships allowed her to make close connections with Japanese art historians.

The first fellowship aided my research that was absolutely crucial to completing my dissertation. The second fellowship allowed me to complete my book, The Stakes of Exposure: Anxious Bodies in Postwar Japanese Art, published by the University of Minnesota Press in 2017. Because of the fellowship, I was able to gain tenure at Ohio State University.

It is unlikely I would have been able to become a professor at a research institution without my graduate fellowship. I was then able to obtain tenure through the 2016 Fellowship. I have also published several peer-reviewed articles related to my 2016 research, such as “Olympic Dissent: Art in Politics in Japan” in Japan Focus. I have begun work on a second book project related to contemporary art in Japan.