How to Stream Japanese Films on JFF Theater

The Japan Foundation has newly launched the JFF Theater, an online streaming service that distributes Japanese films and videos worldwide, with multilingual subtitles, all free of charge. Through this website, the Japan Foundation aims to create a platform where Japanese films and videos can be viewed anytime, anywhere.

Follow our step-by-step instructions below to create an account and start watching amazing Japanese films!

1. Create An Account

Open the JFF Theater homepage.
Click on the “Create your account here!” button located on the bottom right corner of the page.

2. Fill Out The Registration Form

You will be directed to the registration form. Fill out all fields marked “Essential“, including:
Username, Email Address, Country/Region of Residence, Password, and Confirm Password.

Once all required fields are completed, the “Provisional Registration” button will become clickable.
Scroll down and click the button when ready.

3. Confirm Your Email Address

A message will appear stating, “Your registration has not been yet completed.”

Check your email inbox for a confirmation email sent to the address you provided. The email should read:

You are almost there in becoming an official user of JFF Theater.
Verify your e-mail from the link below:
[Authentication URL]

This link will expire in 10 minutes.
This email is an automatic reply from the system.
Please note that we cannot respond to replies to this address.

If you do not recognize this email, please discard it.

Click on the authentication URL in the email to confirm your email address.

4. Complete Registration

The authentication URL will open a new webpage with the following message.
Click on the “Create Your Account” button to finalize your registration.

5. Successful Registration

A confirmation message will appear stating that your registration was successful
Click on the “Home” button to return to the JFF Theater homepage and begin streaming.

6. Logged In

Back on the JFF Theater homepage, hover over the account icon on the top right corner to confirm that you are now logged in.

7. Start Streaming!

Choose a film you wish to watch. The video player will now be accessible.
Click the play button and start watching!