DAY 1 October 1, 8:30 AM ~ 8:30 PM [PDT]
DAY 2 October 1, 8:30 AM ~ 8:45 PM [PDT]
DAY 3 October 1, 9:00 AM ~ 12:30 PM [PDT]
Japan Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference 2021
Theme this year is The Impacts of Japan and Canada Hosting the World: Catalyzing Change through Cultural, Economic, Political, and Sporting Events. Japan has hosted World Expos, the 1964 Summer Olympics, the 2019 G20 Summit, and it recently hosted the postponed 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo in July 2021. Canada has also hosted similar mega events. These events have led to major infrastructure projects, captured national and international social and culture moments of change, and highlighted the role of technology and economics during such events. How has hosting or cancelling these large events changed Japan and Canada in a regional, national, and international context? What have been the impacts of other events, small or large, planned or spontaneous, such as festivals, at the local, regional, and national level?
The 2021 JSAC conference will explore these questions above but will also engage other topics related to the following themes:
Japanese Language; Popular Culture & Mass Media; Literature, Visual, and Performing Arts; Economic Development & Sustainability; Politics, Security & Safety; Religion, Philosophy, History, and Culture; Architecture and Aesthetics; Regional Planning & Community Development; Technology & Science; Education; Food & Agriculture; Consumption
Free registration, but space is limited. Availability is on a first-come-first-serve basis.