2016 Summer Training Program for Japanese Language Teachers


Date: Monday, June 27 to Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

Participants:Japanese language teachers

*Those interested in Japanese language education are also welcome to attend.
*Support may be available for current Japanese language teachers residing outside of Edmonton. Please see the【Registration for Support】for details.

Details:We are pleased to welcome the renowned teacher and winner of the ACTFL 2012 Teacher of the Year – Mr. Yo Azama to be our keynote presenter. Ms. Mami Saito, Japan Foundation Japanese Language Specialist and Japanese-language teachers from Alberta will also lead training and workshop presentations on Japanese Language education and using technology in the classroom.

Theme: Empower Your Teaching With Tech

In 2013, Alberta Education produced the “Learning and Technology Policy Framework” (https://education.alberta.ca/learning-with-technology/overview/).
In today’s rapidly changing world where Internet Technology is quickly advancing, how we use technology in the classroom is becoming more critical. How we use technology in the classroom, what roles teachers can play, how teachers can use technology for classroom activities and learning management, and what kind of “literacy” is needed are all topics and questions that will be addressed during the PD session.

Session abstracts: 2016 Session Descriptions *ADDED JUNE 22, 2016*
Tentative schedule: 
2016 Schedule *UPDATED JUNE 21, 2016*

Language:Primarily Japanese (Regardless of whether you are a native Japanese speaker or not, we look forward to seeing many people at this training session)

Participation Fee:free

*All participants are expected to cover their own cost of meals during the program. Participants who apply through General Registration are asked to cover their own cost for transportation and accommodation during the program.
**Those who would like to apply for accommodation support from the Japan Foundation, Toronto are required to submit a separate application form in addition to the general online application (see below).

【General Registration】Please RSVP by June 15 through the form at the bottom of the page.

【Registration for Support】The deadline has passed.
Eligibility: Only teachers who are currently teaching Japanese in Canada and who reside outside Edmonton are eligible.

  1. K-12 Teachers of Japanese Language in Alberta can apply for accommodation and transportation support from Alberta Education.
  2. Japanese language teachers in Canada outside of K-12 Teachers of Japanese Language in Alberta can apply for accommodation support from the Japan Foundation, Toronto. (Up to 5 participants will be eligible for support)

Participants interested in applying for 2 are requested to submit the below application form to the Japan Foundation, Toronto by June 7, 2016, in addition to the online application.

Mail to: The Japan Foundation, Toronto
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300
P.O. Box 130
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 1A8
Attn: Ms. Noriko Saito

【Contact】Noriko Saito (416)-966-1600 ext. 224 nsaito@jftor.org


日時: 2016年6月27日(月)- 29日(水)
場所: エドモントン市、アルバータ州



内容:北米の日本語教育において指導的立場にいらっしゃる安座間喜治先生(カリフォルニア州北サリナス高校、2012 Teacher of the Year、http://yoazama.weebly.com/)、エドモントン近郊の先生方を講師にお迎えする他、齊藤真美 日本語教育専門家(国際交流基金派遣アルバータ州教育省)が講師として教室でのITを利用した日本語教育についての研修を実施いたします。

テーマ:  Empower Your Teaching With Tech

本年度の研修テーマは「テクノロジー」です。今回の研修会開催地であるアルバータ州では教育省でも2013年から教室内でのテクノロジーの使用について方針を打ち出しています。(https://education.alberta.ca/learning-with-technology/overview/) 実際の教育現場においても急速にIT化が進められている状況で、教師はどのような役割を果たせるのか、テクノロジーをどのようにうまく教室活動や学習管理につなげていくのか、どのようなリテラシーが必要になるのかなど、実際にテクノロジーを利用した教室活動について経験豊富な講師を招き、参加者とともに教室内でのテクノロジーの利用方法について考えます。

セッションの紹介:2016年度セッション内容 *2016年6月22日掲載*
日程(仮):2016年度スケジュール *2016年6月21日更新*


受講料:無料       食事は各自ご用意願います。一般申込での参加の場合、交通費、宿泊費も各自負担していただきます。




1.アルバータ州K-12現職教師: アルバータ州内の初中等教育機関で現在日本語教師の方は、交通費、宿泊費の支援申込みが可能です。(アルバータ州教育省支援)


郵送先:The Japan Foundation, Toronto
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300
P.O. Box 130
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 1A8
Attn: Ms. Noriko Saito

【問合せ】齋藤典子 (416)-966-1600 ext. 224 nsaito@jftor.org