Teacher Workshop: “When and How: A Hands-on Look at IT Tools and Resources”
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December 10th, 2016 @ 2:30 pm - 8:00 pm EST
Cost: FreeDetails »
国際交流基金トロント日本文化センター(The Japan Foundation, Toronto 以下、JFT)では、トロント近郊の日本語の先生方が日本語の教え方について学び合うことのできる場の提供を目指し、日本語教師研修を実施します。今回は下記の通り、国際交流基金の日本語上級専門家としてアルバータ州教育省に派遣されている齊藤真美(さいとう まみ)によるデジタルコンテンツの活用に関するワークショップを実施いたします。日本語教育にご興味をお持ちの方なら、どなたにもご参加いただける内容ですので、皆さま奮ってご参加ください。
会場:The Japan Foundation, Toronto, Seminar Room
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
講師紹介:2014年5月より、ジャパン ファウンデーションの派遣日本語上級専門家としてアルバータ州教育省に勤務。同省の日本語教育アドバイザーとして活動する他、ジャパン ファウンデーションの教師研修他、全カナダにおける日本語教育支援にも携わっている。日本国内の地域日本語教室、日本語学校、大学、そしてインドネシアの中等教育機関と幅広い教育現場での日本語教育経験に加え、豊富な教師研修の実績を持つ。
本研修に関するお問い合わせ先:齋藤典子 nsaito@jftor.org 416‐966‐1600 ext. 224
The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT)
Workshop for Japanese Language Teachers
The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT) will hold a workshop which aims to provide a place for teachers to learn together about teaching the Japanese language. As detailed below, this workshop will be a session on digital contents hosted by Mami Saito, Japanese language Advisor for Alberta Education, dispatched by the Japan Foundation. Those working in the field of Japanese language education as well as those with an interest in Japanese language education are welcome to attend.
After the workshop, there will be a mixer and we hope that many people will be able to attend.
For registration, please see below.
Registration Deadline: Sunday, December 4, 2016 (Please heed the deadline) *Registration is now closed.
Theme: When and How: A Hands-on Look at IT Tools and Resources
In this workshop we will look at bringing together all the different teaching materials materials, online resources, and devices that we use to see how they overlap and how we can bring them together to create infinite possibilities for language learning. In particular, we will look at various internet resources and teaching materials and think as a group about how they can connect. We will go through resources previously introduced at past workshops, and categorize them based on their use. We will also chose resources from the list to compare their contents with textbooks and think about utilizing them in our own classrooms.
※Please bring your own laptop/tablet/etc. to the workshop.
Date and Time: Saturday, December 10th 2016
Workshop: 2:30pm – 5:30pm (Doors open at 2:00pm)
Mixer: 6:00pm – 8:00pm (Refreshments will be served)
Location: The Japan Foundation, Toronto, Seminar Room
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
Registration Fee: Free
Instructor: Mami Saito, Japanese-Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation)
Instructor’s Introduction: Mami Saito has been the Japanese-Language Advisor in Alberta Education sponsored by the Japan Foundation since May 2014 and has extensive experience teaching Japanese and conducting teachers training programs in Indonesia and Japan. Her teaching experience covers a wide range of levels from language schools to high school and university. In addition to her role as an advisor with Alberta Education, she is also involved in Japanese language education support across Canada.
For inquiries about this workshop: Noriko Saito nsaito@jftor.org or 416-966-1600 ext. 224