Teacher Workshop: Why Virtual Reality (VR) Games Help You Learn Languages

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December 14th, 2019 @ 2:30 pm - 8:00 pm EST

Cost: Free
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皆さんは TPR という教授法をご存知ですか? これは先生に指示された通りに行動することを中心とする言語習得の方法です。第二言語習得の理論では「理解できるインプット」を大量に行うことが必要とされていて、書いたり話したりするアウトプットはそれほど必要ではないということが分かっています。そしてこの TPR はまさにこの「たくさんインプットしてあまりアウトプットしない」という第二言語習得理論に忠実に作られた教授法です。そして最近のVRゲームはこの TPR で言語を学ぶ上でとてもすばらしい環境です。言葉を使って色々な指示を聞いて、その通りに行動しないとプレイできないという種類のゲームがたくさんあるからです。これはまさに TPR です。また、VRは没入感がとても高いので、VRの中のソーシャルメディアで他の人と話すことは、SKYPE などとは全く違う可能性を秘めています。このワークショップでは、VRゲームを使うことによって第二言語習得する可能性を探るために、 参加者の誰かに実際にVRゴーグルを装着する事も体験してもらいます。


研修会:午後2:30 ~ 午後5:30(開場:午後2:00)
懇親会:午後6:00 ~ 午後8:00(軽食をご用意しております。)

会場The Japan Foundation, Toronto  Seminar Room
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario


講師:村上 吉文(国際交流基金派遣日本語上級専門家、アルバータ州教育省日本語教育アドバイザー)
講師紹介:2017年5月より国際交流基金日本語上級専門家としてアルバータ教育省に派遣。国際基督教大学卒業。主な著作に『しごとの日本語 IT業務編』(アルク 2008)、『冒険家メソッド』(ココ出版2018) 、『異世界転送の用意はいいか: 語学教師のためのVR入門』(Kindle 2019)のほか、ウェブマガジン「日本語教育いどばた」に「ソーシャルメディアをめぐる冒険」を連載中。「むらログ」管理人。

本研修に関するお問い合わせ先:齋藤典子 nsaito@jftor.org  416‐966‐1600 ext. 224

The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT)
Workshop for Japanese Language Teachers

The Japan Foundation, Toronto (JFT) will hold a workshop which aims to provide a place for teachers to learn together about teaching the Japanese language. Those working in the field of Japanese language education as well as those with an interest in Japanese language education are welcome to attend. For registration, please see below.

Theme: Why Virtual Reality (VR) Games Help You Learn Languages

Have you heard of TPR (Total Physical Response)? It’s a language teaching method that focuses on taking physical action following a teacher’s instruction. Second language acquisition theory places importance on learners understanding a large amount of “comprehensible input”, as it has been found that emphasis on output such as writing and speaking is less necessary. TPR is a teaching method that was built based on this theory of having “more input and less output”. Modern VR games are a great environment for learning languages with TPR as there are many games which learners will not be able to play unless they see and listen to various instructions and act accordingly – which is exactly what TPR is about. In addition, as VR is so immersive, talking to others on social media in VR has the potential to be very different from previous online communication methods such as Skype. In this workshop, one of the participants will have a chance to actually wear VR goggles and explore the possibility of learning a second language through VR games firsthand.

Date and Time: Saturday, December 14th, 2019

Workshop: 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm (Doors open at 2:00 pm)
Mixer: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (A light meal will be served)

Location: The Japan Foundation, Toronto  Seminar Room
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario

Registration Fee: Free
Registration Deadline: Sunday, December 8th, 2019 (Please heed the deadline)

Instructor: Yoshifumi Murakami, Japanese-Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation)
Instructor’s Introduction: Yoshifumi Murakami has been working as the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Specialist dispatched to Alberta Education since May 2017. He graduated from International Christian University, and has written books such as “Japanese for Business for the Information Technology Industry” (ALC Press Inc. 2008), “Bokenka method (Adventurers’ Method)” (Coco Publishing, 2018), “Prepare to be transported: Introduction to VR for language teachers (Japanese Edition)” (Kindle, 2019). He has also contributed to the online magazine “Nihongo Kyoiku Idobata (Content-free chat on Japanese language education)” with his “Social Media o meguru boken (Adventures in Social Media)” series, and continues to update his blog targeting Japanese-language teachers, “Mura-log.”

For inquiries about this workshop: Noriko Saito nsaito@jftor.org or 416-966-1600 ext. 224


December 14th, 2019 @ 2:30 pm
December 14th, 2019 @ 8:00 pm
Event Category:
Doors Open:
2:00 pm
Yoshifumi Murakami, Japanese-Language Education Advisor, Alberta Education (sponsored by the Japan Foundation)


The Japan Foundation, Toronto
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The Japan Foundation, Toronto
2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8 Canada
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