Registration for our Winter 2025 (Term 2) Japanese language courses now open!
Online Marugoto Japanese Courses
At the Japan Foundation, Toronto, we offer year-long Japanese language courses using the textbook series Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture, which was developed by the Japan Foundation.
We offer immersive, student-focused courses for everyone from complete beginners (Starter A1) to advanced speakers (Advanced B2*).
*Our special advanced course does not use a textbook.
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For inquiries about Japanese language classes, please contact us at
General Information
Our courses run from September to July every year, and consist of 3 terms which continue after each other in terms of content: Term 1 (September – December); Term 2 (January – April); Term 3 (April – July).
Over the course of the three combined terms students cover one level of our textbooks, so while it is possible to join the course from Term 2 or Term 3, for the best experience we recommend starting in September.
Course Location:
All our courses are online, accessible form anywhere in Canada
Class Frequency & Time:
Weekly from 6:30 to 9 pm Eastern Time (2.5 hours). Each level runs on a specific weekday (see below table and course listing.)
Note: the below table shows the topics covered for each level for ease of access. Registration and payment is on a term-by-term basis, except for the Intermediate 1 level where students can register per term or per topic.

Note: No textbook is prescribed for the Advanced class–topics covered are selected by the instructor.
Course Length:
- Starter (A1) to Pre-Intermediate (A2/B1) (levels 1 through 4): 13 weeks per term
- Intermediate 1 (B1-1): 12 weeks per term
- Intermediate 2 (B1-2) & Advanced (B2): 5 weeks per term
Course Fees
*A placement test may be required depending on the level you register for. Please read the Terms and Conditions for full details. |
- For our Starter (A1) to Pre-Intermediate (A2/B1) (levels 1 through 4), each term (Fall, Winter, Spring) costs $390.
- Intermediate 1 (B1-1): $360/term. You can also choose to register for only the topics you would like to study and pay $180 per topic.
- Intermediate 2 & Advanced: $150/term.
Payment is accepted only on a Term by Term basis (or per Topic only for Intermediate 1 (B1-1)).
Textbooks are not included in the fees and students are expected to buy their own copies.
For the specific books for each level, please refer to the individual course pages under the course listing.
In Canada, physical copies of the Marugoto textbook series are available from Blue Tree Books. You can pick them up in person at the Markham, Ontario location in J-Town, or from their online store at
If you would prefer to purchase the textbooks as e-books, they are available on both Amazon Kindle and Google Play Books.
Terms and Conditions
For full details on our course policies including our refund policy please refer to the Terms and Conditions.
About Marugoto
Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture is a textbook series based on the Japan Foundation Standard for Japanese Language Education (or “JF Standard” – for more information, please click here). Through studying with us in our language courses, you will learn to complete various “Can-do” in Japanese!
The Can-do Check and Nihongo Check from the JF Standard used in our textbooks allow the learners to continually measure their progress and keep a record of what they are able to do in Japanese. This approach to learning helps to assess ability and set up clear goals, which further leads to effective learning.
Course Listing
☆ Not sure which level is right for you?
Click here for an online level checker which will guide you to see which Marugoto course might be suitable for your current level.
Starter (JF Standard A1)
Thursdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course is for people who have little to no experience studying Japanese, and will cover the A1 level of the JF Standard. During this course students will learn hiragana, katakana, kanji, basic greetings, and how to hold short conversations on such topics as self-introductions, favorite foods, holidays, etc.
For more details or to register in our Starter (A1) course please click here.
Elementary (JF Standard A2-1)
Thursdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course will cover the first half of the A2 level of the JF Standard, and is designed for people who have studied Japanese for around 60 hours and can read and write hiragana, katakana, and basic kanji. You will practice basic grammar patterns and vocabulary to hold short interactions in Japanese on such topics as your town, foreign languages and culture, and health.
For more details or to register in our Elementary (A2-1) course please click here.
Late-Elementary (JF Standard A2-2)
Tuesdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course will cover the second half of the A2 level of the JF Standard, and is a continuation of our Elementary (A2-1) course. We will cover topics such as eating out, special days, and “a town rich in history and culture.” More basic grammar patterns and vocabulary will be introduced to help you communicate in both spoken and written Japanese.
For more details or to register in our Late-Elementary (A2-2) course please click here.
Pre-Intermediate (JF Standard A2/B1)
Wednesdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course is a bridging course from the Elementary (A2) level to the Intermediate (B1) level of the JF Standard. Students will work towards fluency in conversation and accuracy in grammar by reviewing the contents from basic Japanese. Topics include sports, looking for a house, comfort food, etc.
For more details or to register in our Pre-Intermediate (A2/B1) course please click here.
Intermediate 1 (JF Standard B1-1)
Wednesdays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course will cover the Intermediate 1 level of the JF Standard (B1-1). Using various materials, students will work towards the expansion of vocabulary, and grammatical accuracy and fluency in communicating in spoken and written Japanese. The course will also look at communication strategies as well as the socio-cultural aspects of Japanese.
For more details or to register in our Intermediate 1 (B1-1) course please click here.
Intermediate 2 (JF Standard B1-2)
Select Mondays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course will cover half of the Intermediate 2 (B1-2) level of the JF Standard, and is designed for students who have completed our Intermediate 1 course and want to further improve their Japanese ability. The course will look at communication strategies as well as the socio-cultural aspects of Japanese.
For more details or to register in our Intermediate 2 (B1-2) course please click here.
*NEW* Special Course: Advanced (JF Standard B2)
Select Mondays 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Eastern Time)
This course is designed for students who have completed our Intermediate 2 course and will develop students’ language skills at the B2 level of the JF Standard. No textbook is prescribed for this course; instead, students will explore topics related to contemporary Japanese society and culture using authentic materials ranging from dialogues to literary texts.
For more details or to register in our Advanced course please click here.
How to Register
Registration is on a first come first serve basis. The earlier you register the better chance you have of getting a seat! In the event that there is a greater demand than spaces, a waiting list will be made available.
Registration opens around the start of August each year, and remains open as long as spaces are available.
Registration for the 2024-25 school year opens at 12:00 pm EDT on Thursday, August 1, 2024 and remains open as long as spaces are available.
**Please add to your safe senders list to ensure you receive important emails from us.
- Carefully read through the terms and conditions.
- If you have some Japanese knowledge, our self-checker here can help you see what level might suit you best.
- Go to the information/registration page of the level you are interested in (see course listing).
- Fill out the application form on that page, taking care to fill out the self-assessment.
- You will receive an e-mail confirming that we have received your application and we will begin processing it.
- You may be asked in for an online placement interview to make sure this course will be the appropriate level for you.
- Should the course be at too easy or too difficult of a level for you, we may not be able to accommodate you in the course.
- If spaces are available in a course more suited to your level, you are welcome to transfer your registration to that course.
- Once your registration has been confirmed you will be sent a Square invoice to the e-mail address you provided when registering.
- Payment will be due within 3 business days of the invoice date, or by the early-bird deadline, depending on the course. The due date will be indicated on the invoice.
- A student’s position in the course is only confirmed once full payment has been received.
- If payment is not received by the designated deadline, you risk losing your spot in the class.