

Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition at the JFT starting October 17. Come and experience the mysterious universe of Yōkai through these Netsuke figures which serve as gateways to bridge across the dimensions.

Before We Vanish (film screening)

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

CURSED BODIES, a JFT Halloween film series. Join us on October 22 at The Japan Foundation, Toronto, for a screening of the alien invasion thriller, BEFORE WE VANISH, from acclaimed horror director KUROSAWA Kiyoshi.


Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition at the JFT starting October 17. Come and experience the mysterious universe of Yōkai through these Netsuke figures which serve as gateways to bridge across the dimensions.


Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition at the JFT starting October 17. Come and experience the mysterious universe of Yōkai through these Netsuke figures which serve as gateways to bridge across the dimensions.

Information Exchange Meeting for Freelance Teachers 5


JFT日本語教師オンライン情報交換会 第5回フリーランス日本語教師情報交換会 フリーランスで日本語を教えていらっしゃる先生方、集まってみませんか。 今回は、現在フランスでフリーランスとして活動されているミッシェル涼子先生からお話しを伺います。どのように日本語教師になり、現在、どのようにフリーランスとして活動されているかを共有いただく会を予定しています。また、お時間があれば、参加者の皆様のご体験も交えながら情報交換ができればと考えております。ご興味のある方は是非お気軽にご参加ください。 日時:2024年10月25日(金) 2:00pm ~ 3:30pm(東部時間) プログラム: ミッシェル涼子先生からのお話し 質疑応答 対象者:カナダで活動されているフリーランス日本語教師の方々 北米地域からのご参加も可能ですが人数によってはカナダの先生方を優先させていただきます。 「フリーランス」につきまして、ご自身がフリーランスであると思われる方(掛け持ちしている、そのうちフリーランスになる予定、これからフリーランス日本語教師になりたい等)でしたらどなたでもご参加可能です。 使用言語:日本語  お申し込み:参加ご希望の方は本ページ下段よりお申し込みください。 お申し込みの際の事前アンケートの集計結果は情報交換会で共有いたします。 お問い合わせ先:齋藤 典子

Japanese Tadoku Book Club

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Japanese Tadoku Book Club にほんご多読会   Let’s enjoy reading in Japanese and talk about the book! Saturday October 26 | 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT | In Person @ The Japan Foundation, Toronto - Event Hall What is “Tadoku”? … Continue reading →


Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition at the JFT starting October 17. Come and experience the mysterious universe of Yōkai through these Netsuke figures which serve as gateways to bridge across the dimensions.


Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Yōkai Netsuke Exhibition at the JFT starting October 17. Come and experience the mysterious universe of Yōkai through these Netsuke figures which serve as gateways to bridge across the dimensions.

Goké, Body Snatcher from Hell (film screening)

The Japan Foundation, Toronto 2 Bloor St. East, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

CURSED BODIES, a JFT Halloween film series. Join us on October 30 at The Japan Foundation, Toronto, for a screening the 1968 cult horror flick, GOKÉ, BODY SNATCHER FROM HELL.