For more than 40 years, The Japan Foundation has provided support in the form of fellowships to scholars of Japanese studies, from Ph.D. candidates to preeminent leaders in their fields. These prestigious fellowships have given scholars the opportunity to conduct critical research in Japan.
In 2020, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of The Japan Foundation, Toronto, we shone a light on the Japan Foundation Fellowship program with the Fellow Gallery to commemorate past years of valuable intellectual exchange between Canada and Japan. We invite all of our supporters, patrons, and friends to meet our past Fellows and learn about their achievements and experiences during and after their fellowship.

Professor Dan Adler

Professor David Anderson

Professor Sonja Arntzen

Professor Robert Bedeski

Alan Belcher

Dr. Michael Berthin

Professor Andrew Campana

Honorary Professor Claude-Yves Charron

Dr. Ken Coates

Jesse Cumming

Professor Michael Wade Donnelly

Akané D'Orangeville

Professor Emeritus David W. Edgington

Professor Gideon Fujiwara

Professor Jill L. Grant

Dr. Caitilin J. Griffiths

Professor Kimie Hara

Dr. Kazue Harada

Professor Ruth Emilie Scott Hayhoe

Dr. Carin Holroyd

Professor Nam-lin Hur

Professor Gergana E. Ivanova

Professor Tsuyoshi Kawasaki

Professor Jacob Kovalio

Professor Seng Kuan

Professor Namiko Kunimoto

Professor Christina Laffin

Dr. Victoria Lee

Professor Matthew Linley

Professor Marie-Josée Lorrain

Professor Brian K. MacLean

Professor Janice Matsumura

Dr. Susan A. McDaniel

Professor Levi McLaughlin

Dr. Rudiger Meyer

Professor Joshua Scott Mostow

Dr. David Murakami Wood

Dr. Simon Nantais

Professor Robin O'Day

Professor Hisako Omori

Professor Tsuyoshi Ono

Professor Jerry Patchell

Professor Emerita Laure Paquette

Dr. Maria Grazia Petrucci

Dr. Maxime Polleri

Dr. Robert Pontsioen

Professor Xiaoli Qin

Professor Geoffrey Rockwell

Professor Catherine Russell

Dr. Dominic Steavu

Professor Romin Tafarodi

Dr. Ming Tiampo

Dr. Chih-mien Adrian Tseng

Dr. Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano